
OCC Transport offers advertising on all blue & green buses for any SA Organization or Binghamton University Department. External groups can advertise if sponsored by an SA Organization or Binghamton University Department.

Rates & Fees

SA Organizations:


Binghamton University Departments:


* Requests submitted 7-13 days prior to the posting date are subject to a $5.00 late fee.

* Requests submitted less than 7 days prior to the posting date are subject to a $10.00 late fee.

Arrangement Procedure

To request an advertising slot, please fill out an advertising request for your group below, and send a copy of your advertisement to Once approved by the PR Coordinator, please bring 20-25 copies of your advertisement to the OCC Transport Office which is in the University Union West (UUW-B20). OCC Transport personnel will then post and take down your ad according to the requested days, and you will be billed the week following the take down date.

Please note that any outside organizations seeking advertisement must be sponsored by an SA Organization or Binghamton University Department, and the advertisement must explicitly state which organization or department it is sponsored by.

OCC Transport also holds the right to reject any advertisement request due to lack of space on vehicles or an improperly filled out request form.

Advertisement Request Form

* is a required field.










Please provide detailed instructions for the advertising that was not able to be provided above.

Remember to submit a copy of the advertisement to after submitting this form to receive full consideration.